Friday, January 30, 2015

Blog #2

In my book Maximum Ride there is many characters and they all are adopted just like many kids these days and its hard for others to comprehend the daily struggle of someone who's  fostered. they have lost all trust for adults and will never be the same in the book they all have hardships and its sad and they are all outcasts living on there own and in the real world this is happening to million its unfair to the children and should be stopped if a parent cannot take care of there child then why have one its bring false hope to the child and now that you've left that child he can never trust an adult again good job. And every night they gotta wonder where there next meal will come from and they end up eating trash out of some dudes trash can down the street its disgusting and no child should have to do that and don't get me started on how they get water they have to find a river sanitary or not and drink from it not knowing what kind of harmful diseases are in the water for all they now theirs sewage deposits down the stream.

Friday, January 23, 2015

As im reading my amazing book Maximum Ride I find myself feeling as if im in the middle of the scene of the story in this novel it takes place in many regions and i feel as if im a civilian in there world learning there ways becoming one with them, Being apart of there team if you will. Usually I read around 30-35 pages depending on the page structure and font believe it or not the writers font will change how i read all from fluency to speed it effects it all.I can read 15 pages in around 5 mins
I tend to enjoy reading my books in a quite cozy area with a cup of coffee and maybe a pastry item. You'll be surprised how much the area your reading defines how well you read and how in to the book you'll be.
I tend to enjoy listening to"trap"or"chillstep"when reading my books it helps be calm myself after a long or hard day.However this book is long and amazing it is not he book I chose this week but I will be reading it shortly and ill give you tons of feedback on it.
This is Detroit for those who are unaware this is my favorite place to read ill be walking down the streets reading my book and at the same time I can admire the graffiti and architecture of the scenery. Its my hometown my place of being and I encourage you to talk a walk through the city with your favorite book or graphic novel or really anything of your choice. Its truly a stress reliever.